Just keeping track of my journey with the 30 Minimalism Challenge. I encourage everyone to try it out–it’s been eye-opening so far.
Day 4: No complaint day
Sometimes I can complain a lot through my Twitter, even though I try to limit my complaining. I spent this day limiting my social media and keeping a positive attitude.
Day 5: Identify your 3-6 main priorities
I typed up the list of my main priorities. They’re a bit personal, but I can share the general topics. I’m trying to work on my career, emotions, and relationships with several people.
Day 6: Follow a morning ritual
I follow the same morning ritual daily, so nothing really changed.
Day 7: Streamline your reading list
Unfortunately, I don’t have a reading list at the moment. I haven’t done any recreational reading since high school. It’s kind of sad because I was always the girl with her head in a book.
Day 8: Learn to enjoy solitude
If you know me, you know I’m always enjoying solitude. It was just nice to recognize it and realize that it’s something that contributes to my sanity.
Day 9: Downsize your beauty collection
I got rid of a lot of my makeup, especially those dreadful Colourpop Ultra Matte Lipsticks that I tried to force myself to love. I let my mom shop around my collection and she loved it! My makeup collection isn’t that big, but it was nice to get rid of the things that were just taking up extra room.
Day 10: No email or social media until lunch
This wasn’t hard for me at all. I woke up and had to pack for a weekend trip (yay Chicago!). It’s honestly such a relief to stay off social media for a bit.
Let me know if you try the challenge out as well!